Introducing Lucile Schuck Longview, author of the Red Notebook

Lucile Longview is initiator and primary author of the ground-breaking Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion Resolution passed unanimously by the UU General Assembly in 1977.


Portrait of Lucile used on UUWF website 2010

Lucile Longview was feisty, funny, and brilliant. Intensely concerned with the spiritual implications of the women’s liberation movement, she felt the psychological aspects of religious myths should be examined for their support of patriarchal structures where the male was dominant and the female subordinat  at all levels of society.

She also felt relationships in the family should be carefully examined for the subtle they inculcate gendered conditioning. This, she insisted, should be a primary focus of the work of women interested in achieving their full personhood and supporting others in doing so.

A committed activist in the Global Women’s Movement, Lucile Longview participated extensively in several Unitarian Universalist organizations: the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) through local congregations; the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation (UUWF); the UU Women and Religion (UUWR) Movement; and the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF).